Anton Neff successfully defended his thesis titled “Dynamic interactions between energetic D and HE ions on Lithium-Tungsten plasma-facing interfaces” this past fall and was awarded the prestigious U.S. DOE Fusion Energy Sciences Postdoctoral Research Program Fellowship at Oak Ridge National Laboratory. Congratulations and best of luck to Anton from all RSSEL members!
Author Archives
Prof. Allain collaborates with the Planetary Science Institute’s TREX project exploring how radiation impacts the surfaces of moons and asteroids
Professor Allain’s RSSEL group will examine surfaces of fine-grained bodies from asteroids and surrogate materials under simulated radiation exposure conditions created in IGNIS facility to decipher space weathering effects. Prof. Allain will examine lunar samples collected during the U.S. Apollo missions and surrogate minerals such as olivine, as well as samples from an asteroid mission […]
Congratulations to Felipe Bedoya, new postdoctoral scholar at MIT Plasma Science and Fusion Center
Congratulations to Felipe Bedoya for successfully defending his thesis titled “Plasma facing components conditioning techniques and their correlation with plasma performance in NSTX-U” this summer. Felipe has accepted a postdoctoral research position at MIT Plasma Science and Fusion Center (PSFC) starting fall 2017. Best of luck to Felipe from all RSSEL members!
Innovation and Startup Showcase features Prof. Allain’s Advanced Functional Biointerfaces
Professor Allain will present the invited talk titled Innovating Bioactive Interfaces for Next-Generation Personalized Medical Implant Technology at OTM’s Innovation and Startup Showcase on September 21, 2017 at Krannert Center for the Performing Arts. Share the Vision will preview a pipeline of emerging technologies through research & start-up presentations featuring 24 leading innovators and entrepreneurs from […]
Simulation of GaSb surface nanopatterning by Directed Irradiation Synthesis (DIS) highlighted in Blue Waters NCSA 2016 Report
RSSEL’s Multi-scale Computational Irradiation Surface Science team was invited to present highlights from their research that leveraged Blue Waters petascale supercomputer at the National Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA). Massive-scale atomistic simulations used while developing directed irradiation synthesis of ordered nanodots and other nanostructures are necessary to address knowledge gaps in existing theories of nanopattern formation and […]
Prof. Allain recognized with Dean’s Award for Excellence in Research
Professor Allain has received the 2017 College of Engineering Dean’s Award for Excellence in Research for his work unifying concepts from nanotechnology, nuclear engineering and materials science. NPRE Department Head Jim Stubbins highlighted Prof. Allain’s research group for its impact forging new fundamental and applied research directions in emergent areas of material surfaces and interfaces exposed to extreme […]
Magnetic Bacterial Nanocellulose (MBNC) highlighted in Advanced Science News
Advanced Science News featured the article Magnetic Healing of Brain Injury by Professor Allain’s group highlighting the magnetic natural hydrogel MBNC as a novel, multi-functional biomaterial that would provide a focal magnetic attractive force at the local region near the aneurysm neck orifice. The RSSEL group recently published on this new alternative method of using scaffold stents […]
Prof. Allain presents invited seminar at Los Alamos National Laboratory
Professor Allain was invited to Los Alamos National Laboratory, Materials Science & Technology Division where he presented the seminar titled “Challenges to a foundational understanding of the plasma-material interface in plasma-burning nuclear fusion reactors”.