Alumni & Past RSSEL Members
Osman El-Atwani
Department Ph.D 2012, Purdue University; Post-Doctoral Researcher 2012-2013
Office Thesis: Ion beam irradiation on hard material surfaces - Nanopatterning of gallium antimonide and silicon substrates and irradiation damage of ultrafine and multimodal tungsten
Felipe Bedoya
Department Ph.D. 2017, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
Office Thesis: Plasma facing components conditioning techniques and their correlation with plasma performance in the National Spherical Torus Experiment Upgrade (NSTX-U)
Giacinto M. F. Genco
Department M.S. 2011, Purdue University
Office Thesis: Modeling surface nanostructuring in silicon, germanium, gallium antimonide
Sean Gonderman
Department M.S. 2014, Purdue University
Office Thesis: Correlating grain size to radiation damage tolerance of tungsten materials exposed to relevant fusion conditions
Bryan R. Heim
Department M.S. 2012, Purdue University
Office Thesis: Materials Analysis Particle Probe (MAPP) diagnostic
Brandon Holybee
Department Ph.D. 2018, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
Office Thesis: Deciphering the role of surface composition and topography in self-organized ion-induced nanopatterning of multicomponent semiconductors with in-situ and in-operando metrology
Guojing Hou
Department M.S. 2010, Purdue University
Office Thesis: The development of a dynamic radiation-surface interaction simulation code
Zachariah Koyn
Department M.S. 2016, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
Office Thesis: Fabrication of Metal-Oxide Thin-Films and Features on Dissimilar Materials via Ion-Assisted Codeposition
Anton Neff
Department Ph.D. 2017, University of Illinios Urbana-Champaign
Office Thesis: Dynamic interactions between energetic D and HE ions on Lithium-Tungsten plasma-facing interfaces
Daniel L. Rokusek
Department M.S. 2011, Purdue University
Office Thesis: Heavy-ion driven nanostructures in GaSb and InP
Akshath R. Shetty
Department Post-Doctoral Researcher 2015-2017
Office Department of Nuclear, Plasma and Radiological Engineering
University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
Chase N. Taylor
Department Ph.D 2012, Purdue University
Office Thesis: Fundamental mechanisms of deuterium retention in lithiated graphite plasma facing surfaces
Emily K. Walker
Department Ph.D 2015, Purdue University
Office Thesis: Surface Modification of Traditional and Bioresorbable Metallic Implant Materials for Improved Biocompatibility
Zhangcan (Eric) Yang
Department Ph.D. 2013, Purdue University
Office Thesis: Development of a multiscale atomistic code to investigate self-organized pattern formation induced by ion irradiation