Zachariah Koyn
Title Chief Technology Officer
Department Energy Driven Technologies LLC - Editekk
Zak joined the Radiation Surface Science and Engineering Laboratory in January 2012 at Purdue University. After completing his BS in Nuclear Engineering in May 2013, he continued his education and research with RSSEL at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and obtained his MS in Plasma Engineering. His research area focuses on material surface nanopatterning with emphases on multi-beam processes, manufacturing, and sustainable materials. He is currently a visiting researcher at RSSEL and the Chief Technology Officer at the startup Energy Driven Technologies LLC – Editekk.
- MS in Plasma Engineering, University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign, Urbana, IL (2016)
- Thesis: Fabrication of Metal-Oxide Thin-Films and Features on Dissimilar Materials via Ion-Assisted Codeposition
- BS in Nuclear Engineering, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN (2013)
Research Interests
- Plasma-Material Interaction
- Industrial Manufacturing Plasma Sources
- Nanostructured Functional Materials
- Sustainable Nanomanufacturing
- Multi-Beam Surface Modification
- Dissimilar Material Patterning and Synthesis
- Biomaterial Device Surfaces
- In-situ Surface Diagnostics
- Purdue University Trustees Scholarship, 2009-2013
- Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship – Purdue, Summer 2012
- Koyn, B. Holybee, J.P. Allain, “Nanopatterned ZnO on Si-based materials via decoupled ion beam modification and metal co-deposition,” AVS 63rd International Symposium & Exhibition, Nashville, TN, November 2016
- Koyn, B. Holybee, A. Shetty, K. Nash, J. Pachicano, S. N. Srivastava, J.P. Allain, “Nanopatterned ZnO on PDMS via decoupled ion beam modification and metal co-deposition,” AVS 62st International Symposium & Exhibition, San Jose, CA, October 2015